I just had a funny thought. Today's New York Times featured an article about Barack Obama's strategy to go into traditionally Republican-voting states and try to swing them to the blue side. His logic is that he built strong bases in these states during the primary season, getting tremendous turnouts to top Hillary Clinton. He can expand his efforts in states like Virginia, North Carolina, and Missouri to put added pressure on John McCain, also forcing him to divert his efforts from traditional swing states like Ohio and Michigan.
I know there's a strong bias against red states in big cities like New York or Chicago, and red-staters are often perceived as backwards, bible-blinded folks, which is unfair--but go along with me on this line of thought. Doesn't Barack Obama's venture into places like North Carolina and Virginia kind of remind you of Sheriff Bart going into Rock Ridge in Blazing Saddles? Obama is this eloquent, urbane, smoother-than-silk dude going into the land of good 'ole boys. Maybe this line sums up best why he should temper his expectations: "What did you expect? ... You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the New West. You know--morons."
Can't you kind of see Obama incorporating exploding candy-grams into his homeland security policy? John McCain as the over-matched Hedley Lamarr? George W. Bush as Mr. Taggart? Bill Clinton as Governor Lepetomane?
With this in mind, I think that Barack Obama should choose Gene Wilder to be his running mate. Hey, it worked in Blazing Saddles.
Why not one more?
You're so funny.
I often wonder how these connections manifest themselves in your head.
Does Ducky love Daddy????
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